This trip was scheduled for its recreational value allowing students to climb a small mountain and to hike a portion of the Appalachian Trail. Boarstone Mountain is located in southern Piscataquis County near Monson. This county is noted for its numerous lakes, great forest lands, and recreational opportunities. This area was selected because the trail leading to the summit of Boarstone Mountain is rather easy to handle by most people, regardless of physical condition.
Boarstone Mountain may be reached by traveling Route 7 from Newport to Dexter, Route 23 to Sangerville, Route 15 to Guilford and Route 150 north to Willimantic. Here a gravel road leads to Elliotsville and Boarstone Mountain. You must cross the Canadian National Railroad Tracks and proceed up the grade until you reach a road to your right. This road will be blocked by a wire gate. The trail begins here.
The actual hike up the mountain takes approximately one hour and a half. This allows for a fifteen minute rest at Sunrise Pond Camps halfway up the mountain. This is beautiful country owned jointly be a private individual and the National Audubon Society. The first part of the trail follows a graveled road. The trail then enters wooded surroundings and the incline becomes steeper. Near the summit a small amount of ledge climbing is encountered. Although exciting to the students, it offers no real hazards. From the top students have a very panoramic view of lakes, mountains and forest areas with no civilization in sight.
After descending the mountain, a cookout may be prepared at Wilson Campground on Wilson Stream. The campground is a short distance from the mountain and is equipped with fireplaces for cooking. Students can walk along a portion of the Appalachian Trail which passes through the wooded campground.
This was an activity highly rated by both students and staff. Travel time was short; one hour twenty minutes, and the activities were fun. This activity will be repeated another year.
Student Rating - 3.9
Teacher Rating - 4.0
(Excerpt from The Maine Journey Field Trip Guide, 1980, p.13.)
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