It seems that young people always enjoy visiting Mount Desert Island. Here they are exposed to Maine's tourist trade, see beautiful Maine scenery, receive a lesson ngeography and geology, visit a national park, see mansions belonging to the wealthy and tour Frenchman's Bay. We are able to combine a fun time with a broad educational experience and have the students come away with a wealth of information on many aspects of Maine. The only contact necessary for this trip is The Frenchman's Bay Boating Company....Special group rates can be arranged depending on the size of the group. Tours of Frenchman's Bay are dependent on the weather.
Mount Desert Island is reached from the Bangor Area by following Route 1A to Ellsworth and Route 3 to Mount Desert Island and Bar Harbor. Travel time by bus from Bangor is just a little under two hours.
Once on Mount Desert Island, you may enjoy a one hour boat sightseeing tour on Frenchman's Bay. The trip affords students the opportunity to see the mansion built along the shore, the Porcupine Islands, and some abrupt and beautiful coastline, much of which is the same as when Samuel Champlain first sailed the area. At Acadia National Park Headquarters a twenty minute movie is shown every hour on the hour telling about life on Mount Desert Island and the many facets of Acadia National Park. This showing is free to the public. Groups may also visit Sand Beach swimming area, Thunder Hole, Otter Cliff, and the Summit of Cadillac Mountain. Maps of all of these locations are available at the Park Headquarters or Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce, and it is advised that they be procured. From these and other activities available in the park, you may choose those appropriate to your group. You may wish to write to Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor, Maine...for information prior to your visit.
Weather permitting, this should be a very enjoyable trip. If weather is bad, it is suggested the trip be postponed until another time.
Bar Harbor
Student Rating - 3.5
Staff Rating - 3.9
(Excerpt from The Maine Journey Field Trip Guide, 1980, p.35.)
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