The Jackson Laboratory, founded in 1929 by C.C. Little for research in cancer and genetics, has no become the world's center for mouse research and the number one supplier of pedigreed mice used in research throughout the world. To arrange a tour contact the Public Relations Director....From the Bangor area Jackson Laboratory is reached by traveling Route 3 to Bar Harbor.
The Jackson Laboratory is the larges center for research in mammalian genetics in the world with more than 450 employees and a research colony of 750,000 inbred, hybrid, mutant mice.
Our visit to Jackson Laboratory included a short lecture, slide presentation, film, and question and answer session directed by [a Jackson Laboratory staff member]. Students viewed several different breeds of research mice. Because of constant need for laboratory control, large tour groups are not permitted within the confines of the laboratory itself.
We felt the tour of Jackson Laboratory to be one of our most informative and educational trips. We highly recommend this trip to your group.
The tour of Jackson Laboratory could be combined with various activities in the Bar Harbor area.
Jackson Laboratory
Student Rating - 3.3
Staff Rating - 4.0
(Excerpt from The Maine Journey Field Trip Guide, 1980, p.36.)
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