The Shaker Museum, founded in 1931, is located at Sabbathday Lake, Poland Spring, Maine. To reach the museum follow the Maine Turnpike south to the Auburn exit and follow Route 122 to Route 26 south. The museum is located on Route 26, 8 miles north of Gray or 12 miles south of Auburn.
To make arrangements for this tour contact the Shaker Museum....Guide service is available throughout the season (May 30 - Labor Day). The museum is closed Sundays and Mondays. Group rates are available upon request.
Shaker Village is a celibate religious community founded by Ann Lee in May, 1774. While on tour here students will see a living museum situated in America's oldest religious community; one of two in existence today.
Expertly informed guides will educate students concerning the history and customs of the Shakers. One may visit the meeting house, the residence, the herb gardens, and the barns. Students learn that Shakers are famous for their furniture, tin and wooden war, folk art, early American tools, and farm implements. Shaker's inventions have included clothespins, sewing machine, washing machine, flat broom, permanent press fabrics and many other items.
At the conclusion of the tour one may wish to visit the Shaker store and purchase handmade Shaker items. A large variety of herbs and teas produced by the Shakers are available.
Should one desire picnicking Sabbathday Lake is located nearby.
We highly recommend this trip.
Shaker Museum
Student Rating - 3.3
Staff Rating - 3.9
(Excerpt from The Maine Journey Field Trip Guide, 1980, p.40.)
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