This trip was designed to afforf the students and opportunity to observe the life of a coastal community of central Maine and that of the easterly coastal section of the state. Also we wished that the students experience a border crossing to another country and experience moving from one time zone to another. Only one contact was necessary for this trip. Jasper Wyman & Son sardine packing plant was arranged by contacting Jasper Wyman & Son....
This trip followed Route 1A to Ellsworth and Route 1 to Milbridge. A good rest area is located at Long Cove just outside Hancock and about one hour and fifteen minutes from Bangor. After leaving Milbridge we followed Route 1 to Route 189 east of Machias. Route 189 took us to Lubec where we ate our lunch at Quoddy Head State Park. From there it is a short ride to Campobello International Park and the Roosevelt summer cottage.
The activities were numerous on the trip. The tour of the Wyman Plant in Milbridge proved very interesting to the students. For many this was the first time they had seen a production line operation and were aware of payment by piece work.
If the schedule permits, another valuable trip would be to the Wyman Packing Plant where students can observe blueberries and other produce being packaged. Arrangements for this tour can be made by contacting Jasper Wyman & Sons, Milbridge.
Exploring the many paths at Quoddy Head State Park was an adventure for the students. A beautiful view of Grand Manan Island is likely if the fog is out. Our visit to Campobello Island was the high point of the day. For many students, this was the first trip to a foreign country and also their first time outside the borders of the State of Maine.
At the Tourist Center on the Island, pamphlets and a movie are offered explaining the history of the island and what drew people to this spot in the 1900's. The movie is approximately thirty-five minutes in length. It is advised that the movie be seen before the tour of the Roosevelt Cottage is taken. The Roosevelt Tour is guided and very worthwhile. One receives a good idea of life in the early 1900's. This tour is about forty minutes in length. There is no charge for any activity at the Roosevelt Cottage or the Tourist Center. Two days each year, the Park Commission opens to the public two additional summer homes owned by the Park. These homes are very beautiful and it would be well worth investigating the open days the summer your travel to Campobello so that you could plan your visit to include these additional sites.
Also available in the park are hiking trails, swimming areas, picnic areas and nature study areas. The park is open from late May to mid October, seven days a week, 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., July and August 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. and other months from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Crossing back into the United States at Lubec offered students the experience of re-entering the U.S. and going through U.S. Customs. Following Route 189 west to Rout 1, a group may turn right and follow Route 1 approximately five miles to Cobscook State Park. This beautiful park has picnic facilities, as well as camping, sailing, hiking, and golfing activities available. It is best to contact the Parks and Recreation Department in Augusta to ascertain if a fee will be charged. State or Federally funded projects are admitted free.
The return trip to Bangor can be varied by leaving Route 1 at Cherryfield and following Route 193 across the blueberry barrens. One may prepare information on blueberries by reading the approriate chapter in "Afoot in Maine."
From the Bangor area this trip involved 309 miles and thirteen hours traveling.
Wyman's Packing
Student Rating - 2.7
Staff Rating - 3.8
Student Rating - 3.6
Staff Rating - 4.0
Quoddy Head and Cobscook State Parks
Student Rating - 3.2
Staff Rating - 3.8
(Excerpt from The Maine Journey Field Trip Guide, 1980, p.16-17.)
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